Jurnal Manajemen dan Ilmu Administrasi Publik (JMIAP)
Laboratorium Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Negara Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Padangen-USJurnal Manajemen dan Ilmu Administrasi Publik (JMIAP)2798-5539Optimalisasi Tata Kelola Badan Usaha Milik Desa 'Makmur' dalam Pengembangan Sektor Pariwisata Desa Jetak
<p><em>This research aims to evaluate the governance of the village-owned enterprise (BUMDesa) "Makmur" in managing the tourism sector in Jetak Village. Effective BUMDesa governance requires various efforts to ensure good tourism management and provide solutions if problems arise. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data collected came from primary and secondary sources, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on Purnomo's theory, the analysis results show that the management of the tourism sector by BUMDesa "Makmur" still faces several obstacles, mainly because the BUMDesa governance indicators have not been fully implemented. Therefore, BUMDesa needs periodic assessments to optimize tourism management.</em></p>Anung Satria PriambudiAnanta Prathama
2024-08-152024-08-156329830410.24036/jmiap.v6i3.822Faktor Penghambat Peranan Stakeholders dalam Pemberdayaan Pelaku Industri Kecil dan Menengah Perikanan di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan
<p><em>This study aims to identify factors that hinder the role of stakeholders in empowering fisheries' small and medium industry (SMI) actors in Pesisir Selatan Regency. This research used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach conducted in Koto XI Tarusan Sub-district, Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra Province. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation studies, and data validity was checked using source triangulation techniques. The results showed that some of the factors that hinder the empowerment of fisheries SMEs by stakeholders include budget constraints, lack of human resources in the Trade and Transmigration Office as one of the main stakeholders, time constraints, low motivation of fisheries SMEs to participate in empowerment programs, and difficulties for SMEs in meeting the standards or product legality requirements of Budiman Swalayan.</em></p>Ramona Prayoga RamadhinaFitri Eriyanti
2024-08-152024-08-156330531010.24036/jmiap.v6i3.978The Shocking Truth: Why Renewable Energy in Maluriwu Village is Falling to Meet Public Needs
<p><em>The challenges of renewable energy at the village level leave problems that are not yet optimal in practice to facilitate public needs, especially in Maluriwu Village, Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. Although the provision of renewable energy supports the provision of public services, the facts are not significant. Furthermore, the method adopted is descriptive qualitative to understand the problem of renewable energy as a means of providing public needs at the village level. Data were obtained through interviews by identifying participants competent in providing information related to the research theme. The findings reveal that there is a gap between community participation and community expectations when planning programs. There is a lack of community representation in the discussion forums that were initiated, where there are concerns and dissatisfaction with the program promised by the government. In general, these findings require special attention from the government to village residents to provide public services through appropriate policies.</em></p>Nicolaus Petrus Likuwatan WerangMia RizkiPriscilia Yolandasari
2024-09-302024-09-306331131910.24036/jmiap.v6i3.1034Pendekatan Command Control dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Pencegahan dan Penanganan Stunting di Desa Serdang Kulon Kecamatan Panongan Kabupaten Tangerang
<p><em>This research discusses the command control approach in implementing stunting prevention and handling policies. It aims to describe the implementation of stunting prevention and handling in Serdang Kulon Village, Panongan Sub-district, Tangerang Regency. Although the decline in stunting rates is quite good, several problems have still been found. To see the implementation with a command control approach, Van Metter and Van Horn's theory was chosen because external environment indicators are considered relevant to the problems that exist in the implementation process. The research used a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that implementing stunting prevention and handling policies in Serdang Kulon Village was optimal. The factors that are still not optimal are related to external conditions and to the disposition or attitude of implementors regarding responses related to obstacles that arise in the policy implementation process.</em></p>Awaliyyatul 'InayahIrvan Arif KurniawanYusmedi Yusuf
2024-10-132024-10-136332032910.24036/jmiap.v6i3.825Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pelayanan Kepegawaian Elektronik (SIMPEL) di BKPSDM Kabupaten Serang
<p><em>E-government has become a necessity for every agency to speed up access and services. The SIMPEL application at BKPSDM Serang Regency aims to create an effective and efficient paperless personnel service system. This research was to evaluate the SIMPEL application. This research implements the information systems model developed by Yusof,et al. This research was used to test whether the system quality, information quality, and quality service influence system use and user satisfaction,</em> <em>and test whether system use, user satisfaction and organizational structure have an effect on net benefit. This research used quantitative methodology with a sample of 58 respondents from SIMPEL users. Data was taken by respondents who filled out questionnaires and measured with a Likert scale. The data analysis method used is the Multiple Linear Regression Test using SPSS Version 26 software. Test indicates that system quality, information quality and service quality has influence on system usage and user satisfaction, while user satisfaction, system use and organizational structure has influence on the net benefit (level of significant α = 0.05).</em></p>Ade MulyaniAyuning BudiatiDelly Maulana
2024-10-202024-10-206333034210.24036/jmiap.v6i3.1079Implementasi E-Government di Kota Tangerang (Studi Kasus Aplikasi Tangerang Live)
<p><em>This research is motivated by innovative developments influencing support organizations to recognize e-government. Implementation of e-government is one of the efforts to create a responsible, straightforward, empowered, and productive climate of government. In 2016, the Mayor of Tangerang sent the Tangerang LIVE service program. With the Tangerang LIVE application, it is believed that they want to realize one of the e-city requirements, namely that all forms of activities in the City of Tangerang will be educated through extensive communication, especially as an intelligent city feature. This research aims to determine the implementation of e-government in Tangerang City on the Tangerang live application, determine the supporting variables and Utilization Implementation requirements, and decide on efforts to streamline the application implementation. This study uses Indrajit's (2004) hypothesis regarding the results of the audit and investigation by the Harvard JFK School of Government, which determines the milestones that must be owned in developing e-government further. These sections are Support, Capacity, and Value. This study uses a qualitative and descriptive methodology. The study results show that the implementation of the Tangerang LIVE application in Tangerang City has been carried out despite the lack of commitment from the local area. Socialization in the field must be carried out massively, starting from outreach through virtual entertainment, going directly to cities, and holding festivals. The Tangerang City Government, especially Diskominfo, needs to review the program that is being worked on thoroughly.</em></p>Puji HastutiAgus SuhermanPri Utami
2024-11-012024-11-016334334910.24036/jmiap.v6i3.826Collaborative Governance dalam Pengembangan UMKM Pasca Covid-19 di Kabupaten Bogor
<p><em>The business structure in Bogor Regency, according to Online Single Submission (OSS) data, is dominated by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This should provide quite a large opportunity to increase the contribution of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in West Java. However, the contribution of MSMEs in Bogor Regency to GRDP is still lower than that of MSMEs in Bekasi Regency, Bandung City, and Karawang Regency, which have fewer MSMEs than Bogor Regency. This research aims to identify traditional collaborations that have been carried out and plan collaborative action strategies that can be implemented by the Bogor Regency Government. The research method used by the author is a qualitative approach. The qualitative approach places more emphasis on observing phenomena that exist in the research subject, namely the collaborative governance strategy of Bogor Regency MSMEs. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and literature studies. The findings from this research are that there has been no evaluation regarding the effectiveness of traditional forms of cooperation in developing MSMEs in Bogor Regency. Collaborative governance in the development of post-COVID-19 MSMEs in Bogor Regency can be carried out through the Ansell & Gash stage approach, which involves government, private, community, and academic stakeholders.</em></p>Oemmy RamadhanyBethra AriesthaAsropi Asropi
2024-11-012024-11-016335035910.24036/jmiap.v6i3.906Efektivitas Jaklapor pada Aplikasi Jaki (Jakarta Kini) sebagai Implementasi New Public Service
<p><em>In the 21st century, there has been a paradigm shift of Public Administration to public services in response to globalization and the complexity of people's needs. The UK has implemented public service reform through the Open Public Service program since 2013, while in Indonesia, especially the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, bureaucratic reform adopts collaborative public services through Jakarta Smart City and the JAKI application as a New Public Service innovation for effective, democratic, and measurable services. The transformation of public services in Jakarta, especially the management of public complaints, occurs through the JAKI application with a one-stop complaint system, shortening the span of service control, increasing effectiveness, and providing community satisfaction. The theoretical foundation includes service effectiveness, the concept of New Public Service (NPS), and the concept of Smart City with the integration of information and communication technology. The formulation of the research problem discusses the evaluation of the effectiveness of handling complaints through the JAKI application and the factors that influence it with qualitative methods using questionnaires, documentation, and literature studies. Data was obtained from JAKI users in Jakarta and information sources from Jakarta Smart City, journals, and other secondary data. The results of the study are expected to provide insights for the improvement and development of public services in the digital era</em>.</p>Nury Aulia AnandaRizki Fauziah
2024-11-012024-11-016336036610.24036/jmiap.v6i3.927Kapasitas Manajemen Program dan Proses Pemerintah Desa Jangkurang dalam Memberikan Pelayanan BLT Dana Desa
<p><em>To support accelerating extreme poverty elimination, the Government of Indonesia established the Village Fund Cash Assistance (BLT-DD) program to provide direct cash assistance to residents in rural or remote areas, including Jangkurang Village. In providing BLT-DD services, good organizational capacity is required from the Jangkurang Village Government, especially in program management and process management. However, in practice, this has not been adequate. This research further explains the program and process management capacity of the Jangkurang Village Government. The method used is qualitative through data collection techniques, namely interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Based on the research, the capacity of program and process management at the Jangkurang Village Government still needs improvement in several aspects. Factors that can be identified are the lack of document ownership, delays in registering KPM candidates, inadequate infrastructure conditions, misalignment in the process regarding reporting, and limited access to information. Therefore, improvements to the capacity of program management and process management need to be made.</em></p>Shinta Nuradha AzzahraDedi Sukarno
2024-11-012024-11-016336737510.24036/jmiap.v6i3.956Implementasi Kebijakan Pelayanan pada Pasien Puskesmas Balaraja di Kabupaten Tangerang
<p><em>This study was conducted to analyze the implementation of patient service policies at the Balaraja Health Center, Tangerang Regency. This study uses a descriptive and qualitative approach. Researchers collected data by observing and interviewing informants to capture the whole phenomenon in the field so that an overview of the implementation of service policies on patients at the Balaraja Health Center was obtained. The data analysis technique used is data source triangulation. Data analysis is carried out before entering the field, during the field, and after completion in the field. Data validity starts with reduction, data presentation, and concluding. Assessment of service quality in Balaraja Health Center patients uses an analysis of 5 Service Quality (ServQual) dimensions: Reliability, Empathy, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Tangible. The results showed several things complained about by informants, which were relatively entirely a lot in the dimensions of reliability, empathy, assurance, and tangible. The things complained about by informants in each dimension need to be a concern of the leadership and staff of the Balaraja Health Center, the Head of the Tangerang District Health Office, and the Tangerang Regent because it will affect patient satisfaction with the services provided by the Balaraja Health Center. In particular, improving the quality of services such as friendly service and not lingering, the layout of goods, and providing a budget for repairing existing damage. In the future, developing a program to expand the building and parking lot is necessary.</em></p>Emi NovianiDeddy Supriady BratakusumahMaya Puspita Dewi