Transformasi Organisasi Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia dari Era Presiden Soeharto Sampai Presiden Joko Widodo
The Cabinet Secretariat is one of the institutions within the Presidency whose job is to provide support for the management of the cabinet to the President and Vice President in administering government. The duties of the Cabinet Secretariat, based on Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2020 concerning the Cabinet Secretariat, are the newest duties and roles that the Cabinet Secretariat has after it continues to change every time there is a change in national leadership. This research discusses the organizational transformation of the Cabinet Secretariat under six presidents (Suharto, Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati, Yudhoyono, and Jokowi). The results of this study indicate that the organization of the Cabinet Secretariat changes every time there is a change of President, with significant changes seen after 2019, namely the Cabinet Secretariat is no longer specifically an institution that provides support in the field of legislation to the President, as was the task of the Cabinet Secretariat since the New Order era in 1960s. The organizational arrangement of the Cabinet Secretariat was greatly influenced by the situation that occurred (particularly political considerations) when the organizational arrangement was carried out.
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